Monday 17 January 2011

today's No Shit Sherlock award goes to...

...Wikileaks for telling us something blatantly obvious...

Bulgarian football's 'mafia links' exposed in cables

Some of Bulgaria's most popular football clubs have ties with mafia bosses, who use them to launder money, according to a US diplomatic document revealed by whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

"Bulgarian soccer clubs are widely believed to be directly or indirectly controlled by organised crime figures who use their teams as a way to legitimise themselves, launder money, or make a fast buck," a January 2010 cable from the US embassy in Sofia to Washington noted.

Anyone who follows football betting outside of the major leagues could have told you that, no need to lock a bloke up on trumped-up rape charges over it!Posted byScott Fergusonat09:20

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